At the end of our science unit, Mrs L-R dissected two lamb hearts for us. We were able to see the aorta, different veins and arteries, inside the ventricles and valves. Once we'd put on an apron and gloves, we were also able to hold the hearts, feel how thick the walls were and even put our finger through the aorta!
To help us visualise the circulatory system, we went outside and became it! Some of us were organs such as the heart and the lungs while some were veins and arteries. The rest of us pretended to be red blood cells and transported "oxygen" (tennis balls) around the body.
To start our fractions unit, we created a Fractions Museum! We used different maths manipulatives to represent fractions including equivalent and improper ones.
As part of our World War 2 learning this term, we had a D&T day where we completed a Make Do and Mend project in which we reused an old piece of clothing or fabric. We received the design brief to create a soft toy for a child with a button repurposed, looked at examples and practised both running and blanket stitch. We then designed our own soft toy, choosing which fabric to reuse, stitches and how we'd repurpose at least one button. Then, it was time to sew! It took us quite a long time to complete our soft toys and a lot of resilience but everyone worked really hard and made something they should feel proud of.
We learnt about rationing in World War 2 and how it impacted the lives of people in Britain. As part of our lesson, we followed a ration recipe to make carrot cookies. You can tell from the photos that some of us thought they tasted better than others!
In Science, we've been learning about light and how shadows are formed. We discussed how shadows are created by an opaque object blocking a light source so there is no light to reflect off an object. Using white paper, which is translucent, and black card, which is opaque, we made shadow puppets and created shadow puppet theatres for others to watch.
As part of our learning on how World War 2 impacted the lives of people in Britain, we learnt about the Blitz. We discussed how towns and cities were targeted, and why, and how it affected people's everyday life including how some people had to use Anderson shelters. We then built model Anderson shelters using different materials.