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We expect every child to attend school every day, and be punctual every day, so they can learn to the best of their ability.  The attendance of children at school is a legal requirement and is taken seriously by the school. Our Attendance Policy can be found below.  You can also read here the 'Working Together to Improve School Attendance' from the Department for Education, including what parents' responsibilities are 'As a parent, you are legally responsible for making sure your child gets a suitable fulltime education'.

Any planned absence from school must be requested in advance and we expect such requests to be for exceptional circumstances only. We define ‘exceptional circumstances’ as extreme, unplanned family emergencies, where all efforts to support school attendance have been considered in the first instance.


Absence request forms are available from the school office, or below, and must be completed in full and returned for the attention of the Headteacher. Please note that holidays are not authorised during term time under any circumstance.  For information about school attendance from the Department of Education, please click here and for information from Oxfordshire County Council, please click here.  We expect routine medical appointments, including dental, to be taken outside of the school day.

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