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Curriculum Policy

Primary Science Quality Mark

We are pleased to announce the school has been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark in May 2023.  This award demonstrates the school's commitment to excellence in science teaching and learning.



The school curriculum aims to be rich and creative whilst enabling children to master key skills and develop their knowledge. Children learn in a variety of ways so the school aims to offer a curriculum which will allow individuals to flourish. Our curriculum is inclusive and adapted to meet the needs of individual pupils. We tailor activities to meet the needs of pupils with SEND or a disability.

Core skills and knowledge form the foundation of the curriculum, with teachers carefully considering the most appropriate progression. Leaders consider the local context and the skills that pupils will need as they progress to secondary education. 

The curriculum is enhanced with visits and visitors, to enable the children to learn from specialists.


Early Reading and Writing

The school benefits from high quality resources and skilled staff. Children are taught reading through whole class or guided group sessions and discrete phonics groups. The school uses the  Rocket Phonics programme. Children are taught to blend and segment sounds, complimenting their learning in spelling and writing. Stories and non-fiction texts are embedded within the curriculum so that children learn the features of text types and use them in creative writing opportunities. Reading books are matched to phonic ability in the lower part of the school and they have library books, for enjoyment. 


Listed below are the progression maps for all areas of the curriculum. Teachers use these to plan termly topics. For detailed information about our Sex and Relationships curriculum please see here.


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