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Our Vision As A Church of England School


'Love one another, as I have loved you' John 13 v34

Our vision, which is rooted in the theology of John's gospel, was chosen by the children in 2019 because they felt it was inclusive and represented of the school community. 


 Children are valued so that they can flourish academically, whilst pursuing their personal aspirations or interests. Our culture, is influenced by the Christian values of: Understanding, Peace, Forgiveness, Love, Kindness, and Wisdom. These values enhance our relationships and learning atmosphere so that children feel cared for and safe. One pupil when asked to define the school's vision, quoted the Bible story of friends lowering their paralyzed friend to Jesus(Luke Ch 5 vv17-25) They felt this sense of friendship and love represented what Benson CE Primary School is about.

Children and adults demonstrate a generosity of spirit towards each other and God's creation. The curriculum promotes the uniqueness of individuals, celebrating diversity which enriches our lives.

Our vision fosters overflowing love, enabling children and adults to flourish in a safe and happy environment. The teachings of Jesus provides examples of love and these are explored within worship.

Our vision responds to the changes within our local community, welcoming all who choose our school. Through our close links with the parish of St Helen's Church we aim to provide service to all families so that we are mirroring the message with St John's gospel. 

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