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Relationships, Health and Sex Education

In September 2020, it became compulsory in all schools to teach children about relationships, health and sex education. At Benson, some of this teaching is through the wider curriculum or specific events e.g. The Coram SCARF Life Bus, while most is covered through the SCARF resource (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship).   For more information, please see the Relationships and Sex Education Policy below.


The Right To Withdraw

As parents, you have the right to withdraw your child from teaching within the sex education aspect of this programme only. This does not include teaching about the body and reproductive process which forms part of the science curriculum. If this is something that you are concerned about, please book an appointment to see either your child's class teacher or the headteacher. 

Walk to School Week

The WOW walk to school week takes place 20th - 24th May 2024.  We will be encouraging children to walk, cycle or scoot during this week, and beyond, and will discuss in whole school assembly on Friday 17th May.

Resources to support families can be found below. 

Sex, Relationship Education Policy

SCARF Whole School Plan

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