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Keeping Children Safe Online

At Benson C of E Primary School we take internet safety very seriously. Each class teaches specific internet safety lessons every year and the whole school focuses on the theme of Safer Internet Day that is celebrated every February.


We use a combination of Ipads and chromebooks to teach computing. Through this we are able to monitor apps, web use and also login history and can alert the teachers to words or phrases used by pupils, that are not school appropriate.

It can become difficult to keep track of all the sites and apps your child uses, especially as they get older and progress through school.


The Safer Internet website states;

"You don’t need to be an expert on the internet to help keep your child stay safe online. Our advice and resources are here to support you as you support your child to use the internet safely, responsibility and positively."


It is really important that school and home work collaboratively to help support children’s use of the internet.


Here are some useful websites about using the internet, for parents to find out more information.


A study by Childwise identified that a staggering 91% of children aged 11 years old own a mobile phone. Modern mobiles or ‘smart phones’ are basically small personal computers and can provide great opportunities for being more connected in the digital world but can also pose a risks for children to be identified or located, and to send or receive images they may feel uncomfortable with. Here are some websites with information for parents who might need advice about their child having or using a phone.


The Parent's Guide to Mobile Phone Health & Safety for Kids - Premier Education (

If you are interested exploring a smartphone free childhood and would like to discuss with a parent who is involved please contact Sara Mercer via the school office email address. Sara is a TA and also a parent at the school.

Games consoles:

Many children now have games consoles which they use, not only to play games, but to interact with friends by playing games together. Here are some websites with information about setting up consoles so they can be used safely and guidance about keeping children safe when using them.




Setting up gaming consoles | Parent Zone | At the heart of digital family life


Younger children often use tablets to play games and to support their learning. Here are some guidelines for safer use of tablets.


Internet safety advice for parents for first time tablet use (

Social media:

Generally the age limits for social media sites are 13 so this shouldn't apply to children at primary school but we are increasing seeing children who have access to social media at younger ages. Here is some information about what different social media apps are and what they are used for.


UKCIS Social media guide for parents and carers - Internet Matters


Social media | NSPCC


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