Welcome to Damson Class
Welcome to Damson Class!
Miss Parris is the class teacher on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Gravett will be teaching on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
In Term 3 our new topic will be Light and Dark. This topic will be primarily linked to our science learning, where we will develop our observation skills learning about different light sources and the difference between light and dark. We will investigate how light travels and how it can be reflected, as well as observing how shadows are formed and change. Both our writing and Guided Reading will be linked to our topic as well.
Our PE day is Wednesday. Children should come into school in their PE kit on this day.
On this page, you will be able to find all the key information about Damson Class. You will also be able to view our class blog through the link above to see all the wonderful learning we have been up to.
If you need to contact school for urgent matters, please email the office. If you need to contact us for other enquiries, please do not hesitate to email via our class email at: damson@benson.oxon.sch.uk. We will reply to you as soon as we can.
Best wishes,
Miss Parris & Mrs Gravett
(Children to come in in PE kit on Wednesday please)
MON | TUE | WED | THUR | FRI | |
PM: | Music/Computing | DT | PE/Geography | RE/PSCHE | Science/French |