Please find details of our uniform below. This can be purchased through Michael Hope -
School ties (both elasticated and standard) are available for purchase through SchoolMoney from the school office - please contact us. We also have a stock of swimming hats (KS2).
Summer Uniform (Terms 5, 6 and 1) Winter Uniform (Terms 2, 3 and 4)
White polo shirt White collar shirt & tie
School jumper with badge School jumper with badge
Cardigan with badge Cardigan with badge
Grey Trousers or shorts Grey trousers or shorts
Knee length grey skirt or pinafore Knee length grey skirt or pinafore
Red checked dress White/grey socks
White or grey socks White/grey or Burgundy tights
Black school shoes Black school shoes (not boots)
(NB: Reception children are not expected to wear ties in Winter so they can continue to wear polo shirts. Remainder of uniform as above.)
PE kit - White School T shirt with badge, navy shorts and trainers
Navy/burgundy jogging bottoms for winter months.
Good quality used uniform can be purchased from regular FoBS sales or by looking on the FoBS Facebook pages.