Ash Class Page
Welcome to Ash Class!
Your teachers are Mrs Reddy on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Mrs O'Reilly on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Mrs Reddy loves running and outdoor activities. Mrs O'Reilly loves mountain biking and other outdoor activities. We have the fabulous Mrs Evans also working with us.
This term our topic is 'Oops Where’s My Head?' - in history we will learning about the Tudors and Henry VIII. In Guided Reading we will be reading 'The Queen's Fool'. You can find more information on what we will be getting up to on our topic web.
Our PE day is Thursday. The children can come in their PE kits on this day. This term we will be doing gymnastics.
On this page, you can find class updates, letters, Pictures of our learning, learning support and learning resources.
If you need to contact school for urgent matters, please email the office. If you need to contact the myself for other enquiries, please do not hesitate to email via our class email at: . I will reply to you as soon as I can.
Best wishes,
Mrs Reddy and Mrs O'Reilly.