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Homework / Spellings


Reading: Please read with your children regularly. We use VIPERS in School to analyse the text. (Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explain, Retrieval, Summarise) 

We will provide you with some example questions at the bottom of this page. 


Maths: Please regularly go onto Times Table Rockstars. Look out for any challenges that we might set. 

If you would like to do some maths at home with your child please have a look on our home learning page for the current maths topics we are covering and some links for worksheets and games to play at home.


Example Vipers reading questions


We will learn our spellings each week in the class but should you wish to go through them with your child here is a weekly list of the spellings we will cover. They are different for year 4 and year 5. 



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