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Hawthorn Year 6

Welcome to Hawthorn - Year 6!


Welcome to Hawthorn Class! Our class teacher is Mrs Launchbury-Rainey. She loves pandas, reading and her cat, Mittens. We're very lucky this year to have the brilliant Mrs Skeels and Miss Wilkinson supporting us in the mornings and teaching on Monday and Tuesday afternoons.
Our PE day this term is Monday because we are starting our swimming lessons so we come into school in our PE kit with our swimming things every Monday.


On this page, you can find copies of letters, our weekly homework activities and updates on what we've been doing in school. 

Our class email address is Please don't hesitate to email if you have any questions or queries and Mrs Launchbury-Rainey will reply as soon as she can.

SATs Meeting Information

Above is the PowerPoint I shared at the Key Stage 2 SATs meeting last week. The only items to add are that each day we will be offering a SATs breakfast from 8:15am. The children are welcome to arrive through the external Hawthorn door each morning for this (and to attend if they won't be eating with us but would just like to come early). If you have any questions, please do email!

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