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Worship and Reflection In School

 Whole school worship takes place three times a week, with Father Patrick visiting on Wednesdays. The Worship Leaders gather classes together with a bell and lead the prayers and readings. Children's prayers and reflections from the School Prayer Book are read regularly. Worship centres around themes/stories often linking to the school vision and values. The significant Christian festivals mark the year and children are also introduced to a variety of religious/cultural celebrations. For Christmas, Easter and the end of the academic year, the school holds worship in Church. During the summer months, worship is sometimes held outside.

Worship is designed to be inclusive and inspirational, to draw all participants in. It can include: music, story, drama, film, stillness, prayer and objects. 


Class worship is based on the practice of Stilling or Dwelling in the Word (Reflecting on a Biblical verse.)The latter often follows the story for the week. Children feedback that they value the opportunity to be still and quiet within the school day. 


Reflection Opportunities in Class- children have access to prayer boxes, holding crosses, prayer dice and prayer boxes. These can be found within Reading Areas or Reflection Spaces.


Prayer Space  is a popular way for people of all ages to reflect or pray about things they are thankful for or to share concerns. Practical activities offer ways to think more deeply about things we care about. At this uncertain time, where mental wellbeing is just as important as physical health, there are some activities below to help with this. 

For Christian families, worshipping at home, there is a pack containing some useful ideas.

As part of their learning about prayer, Ash Class panned a prayer space for the rest of the school. They planned opportunities to reflect upon worries, celebrate the world and to be still.

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