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Medical & First Aid

Medical Concerns


If your child has known allergies, please ensure that their class teacher is aware by providing the details in writing. 

If your child has a food allergy and requires a special diet, this can be arranged with our Catering Manager by completing the Special Diets form under the Parents tab, Lunches & Milk.  Please note these requests will need to be supported by a medical letter.


Other Medical Concerns

Please ensure that your child's class teacher is aware of any medical issues that may affect them in class.

For all medicines to be administered in school, a form must be completed and signed by the parent/carer. These can be obtained from the office.


Health Care Plans

All children with medical issues that may require high level care or specific staff training must have a fully completed, up to date Health Care Plan.  This covers medical diagnosis such as asthma, severe allergies and diabetes.  Please speak to your child's class teacher regarding completing a form.


First Aid in School

All pupils reporting for first aid will be treated by a trained professional within school. Any treatment administered will be recorded. For injuries which require additional medical assessment, parents will be informed.


All head bumps are treated seriously, with correct treatment given and a pupil provided with a red alert band, to communicate the bump to parents. For more serious cases, parents will be contacted.

School Health Nurse team Newsletters

Our school health nurse team produces a termly newsletter with useful information for parents, which is available below.

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