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Class Gallery

To finish our Crime and Punishment learning, we went on a trip to Oxford Castle and Prison. We all got the public bus (which was very exciting for us but terrifying for the adults accompanying us, although we were all brilliantly behaved and represented the school wonderfully so they were all very proud of us). In Oxford, we saw the police station, Crown Court and Magistrates Court before walking to the castle. Firstly, we had a workshop all about crime and punishment and the history of Oxford Castle and Prison before we got to climb to the top of the mound. We then had a guided tour during which we braved the very tight, steep staircase to get to the top of the castle, explored some of the cells famous prisoners had been kept in and tried some of the punishments used in the prison!

Netball Tournament

We had a house netball tournament with Year 5 in which we all took it in turns to play against children from other houses. Everyone worked great as a team, showed a clear understanding of the rules of netball and displayed brilliant sportspersonship!

Practising Arguing

To start our balanced argument writing, we explored the language used in an argument. We were given different topics with arguments for and against and we had to argue against a partner. Everyone had a lot of fun and was very good at arguing!

Roman Curse Tablets

We started off our History learning on crime and punishment through the ages with a lesson about Roman Britain. We learnt that the justice system was not fair and that punishments ranged from whipping to fines to execution- including being thrown from a cliff! While comparing crime and punishment in Roman Britain to modern life, we learnt that there was no police force back then. This meant that criminals often escaped so people created curse tablets to try and seek justice from the gods. We made our own curse tablets from clay about imaginary criminals who had wronged us. Can you work out what any of them say?

At the start of term, we had our long-awaited Science lesson in which Mrs L-R dissected two hearts! We were able to see the different chambers of the hearts and the major vessels including the aorta. Some of us were even brave enough to hold the hearts and feel all the different parts.
Careful looking at the photos below if you're squeamish! 

Heart Dissection

Fractions Museum

To start our new maths unit, we recapped our learning on fractions by creating a fractions museum. We were all given a set of fractions we had to represent and then we chose to use different equipment in the class to do so. We also drew fractions (on the tables!) and created our own exhibits for our museum.

We celebrated Space Day in school with a special day which was all about space! We investigated how to stop a piece of chocolate from melting, just like how scientists have to keep equipment cool in space shuttles, read a book about the women who contributed to the Space Race and created some galaxy art using pastels. 

Skipping Workshop

We were lucky enough to take part in a skipping workshop. We learnt to skip forwards and backwards and do some different tricks. The tricks were pretty difficult but everyone tried their best! 

Making Maps

As part of our introduction to our learning on the rainforest, we explored the geography of South America. We began by learning some of the countries which made up the continent and then we explored five key areas of physical geography. We used resources in the classroom and natural objects we found on the playground to make topographical maps showing these.

For our Year 6 production, we did the panto Aladdin Trouble. We all had lots of fun and worked hard to learn our lines and the songs! Everyone was very proud of how brave we were, particularly those of us who had solo songs. If you came to watch, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

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